De No Limit 1640FB is gebouwd van aluminium en ontworpen voor snelheden tot 32 knopen. Het schip is uitgerust met het Volvo IPS 900-systeem, dat uitstekende wendbaarheid en gebruiksgemak biedt. Manoeuvreren is eenvoudig met één joystick, waarmee het hele schip te bedienen is. De ruime flybridge biedt panoramisch uitzicht en plaats voor meerdere personen. Net als andere No Limit-modellen is de 1640FB volledig uitgerust voor lange verblijven aan boord. Dankzij de romp, tube en hoge topsnelheid is het schip zeer zeewaardig en biedt het comfort en veiligheid, zelfs bij zwaarder weer. De lage doorvaarthoogte en geringe diepgang maken het ook ideaal voor binnenwateren.
Material | Aluminium |
Length | 16.40 m |
Width | 5.26 m |
Draft | 1.35 m |
Main engine | 2x Volvo Penta IPS 900 |
Cruise speed | 12 knots as a displacement vessel |
Max speed | 32 knots |
Fuel tank | 3400 litres |
Drinking water tank | 1000 litres |
Waste water tank | 400 litres |
Water displacement | 22 ton |
Certification | CE-A |
The No Limit is equipped with the latest innovations and developments. It comes with a complete navigation package as standard. The No Limit can also be controlled from the flybridge behind the wheelhouse and can be fitted in line with the customer’s wishes.
The ship is equipped with an automatic whisper-quiet generator as standard. There’s an automatic fire extinguishing system in the engine compartment.
We use the user-friendly "EmpirBus" system. A highly reliable operating system which can be programmed in line with your exact requirements.
A very complete ship like a No Limit’s conventional technology would usually be equipped with large switch panels for operating everything on the ship. This is complicated and difficult for many people.
This is a thing of the past with No Limit Ships and the entire ship is easy to operate for anyone thanks to the operating system used. For example, the No Limit has a number of standard push buttons, such as an “on board” mode, “navigation” mode and “off board” mode. Everything you need is automatically operated with the mere press of a button.
“Why do things the hard way” is an appropriate expression here.